Monday, October 19, 2009

Review: The Blackberry Diaries

The BlackBerry, says Kathy Buckworth in her witty new book, is truly the "whining toddler of technology," constantly buzzing, poking and distracting its owner from whatever it is she’s trying to accomplish. In this way, it bears an uncanny resemblance to the uncooperative two-year-old hanging off a mother’s leg at the Motor Vehicle office. And is that BlackBerry holster really any different from a Baby Bjorn? No, according to the author. When either squeaks, Mom jumps. Still not convinced? Consider Buckworth’s irrefutable facts: Both “start up” upon entering the washroom. Both go off in the middle of the night, even when they’re supposedly turned off. Both require time alone plugged into a one-way communication device to be recharged: for the BlackBerry, it’s the USB cord; for the kid, the television set or GameCube. This comic guide to the travails of new motherhood shows the acclaimed humorist at her best.

I actually got the opportunity to read this book thanks to my friend MommyDoodles. She is celebrating her Blogiversary and going to be giving it away soon so she wanted some reviews for it.

I found it to be an entertaining book. However, I did find it's not really one to sit down and just read cover to cover like a story. It was more a case of a stress reliever or just something to make me laugh if I needed it.
I enjoyed her anecdotes and descriptions of day to day life - and sometimes made me see things in a different point of view and made me go "hmmmmm".

I couldn't completely follow some of the scenarios because I don't have a BB. Having an iPhone is similar as far as the addiction and the constant checking of email, etc. But I don't get the constant buzzing and beeping as I get new messages. It still made me laugh because I could see myself doing some of the same things in the same situations.

All in all, I enjoyed reading it. It took me longer than I thought when I saw the size of it - but that was more because, as I said, I found it better reading as a stress reliever at the end of the day.

Definitely one to read if you have that BB addiction or have to find ways to juggle everything in your day.