Saturday, July 16, 2011

14 Days - Day 8

I'm going through withdrawal now. Today was the first day since she's been gone that I wasn't able to talk to Sweetpea. I haven't even heard her voice today :(
Right now they are staying in a little town by a lake and don't have very good cell phone reception. We'll have to try again tomorrow.

Had a good day with my friend and her family, though - with a quick detour in the day for Hubby and I at the walk in clinic. Him, ear infection. Me, bronchitis. Fun times!

We did brighten the day with a trip to the movies to see the new Harry Potter movie. So we had something else to focus on for a few hours.

Now, here we sit at 10:00 at night in Denny's getting a very late dinner (we weren't hungry earlier after eating all that popcorn)...

One more day closer to Sweetpea coming home. They can't move fast enough!

-- Posted on the run from my iPhone

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